Blame Betty

 Blame Betty was a lifestyle boutique, created to fill the hole that existed for people like me… like us, like you. The easiest way I came to describe it years ago was this: Clothing, shoes, and accessories... for the rest of us.

This independent Business has both been touched by, and has touched so many people since 2005. We are so grateful for the community it's created, the love it gave and has given, and how many incredible experiences it provided for so many. We want to provide a heartfelt thank you to everyone that allowed us to be a part of their experience. Thank you to everyone who walked through our doors, ordered online, allowed us to provide retail therapy, played dress up in our change rooms, took the time to leave so many positive reviews, shared photos of the treasures they found here, helped us spread the word...

All of it allowed us to keep our doors open for almost 13 years. We are so damn grateful.


We have more to say below, but we want to take a moment to 'Pass the Torch', so to speak. There is something beautiful that’s been created in our old space and we think you will appreciate them, too. ♥ Check out Rite of Ritual they’ve created a promo code just for Blame Betty customers too!

I want to take a moment to thank our team... past and present. Every ounce of energy given, every late night, every tear, every moment spent working for the common goal, every amazing moment. I love every single one of you, and have the deepest resp…

I want to take a moment to thank our team... past and present. Every ounce of energy given, every late night, every tear, every moment spent working for the common goal, every amazing moment. I love every single one of you, and have the deepest respect for you all. Man we really did have some fun!

SO many incredible reviews over the years, truly so grateful.

SO many incredible reviews over the years, truly so grateful.


The truth is that nothing lasts forever, despite how much we want them to at times. The last almost 13 years have been such an amazing experience, and everyone here is choosing in every way - to focus on nothing but the positives that this company created for so very many. Countless amounts of amazing people have been involved over the years, countless customers, countless moments of value.

The business itself was up against a number of unavoidable experiences the last few years as many (if not all) independently owned Calgary companies have felt some impact of since the decline of oil. We faced dramatically increased exchange rates, so much of our customer base was affected by the downturn, and we had just expanded and built a gorgeous new boutique! We knew the construction on 17th was coming and tried to prepare by investing in a large-scale site rebuild to further grow our online business. It, unfortunately, did not help enough... and then 7 months of construction and road closures were an uncontrollable hard hit.

Not for a single moment, is any one thing, or one event, or the city, or construction, or the site rebuild, or the economy... to “blame” for us closing, it’s simply time to move on! I mean this, not a moment or thought of blame or negativity for anything or anyone, nothing but love and respect.  It is a gift to have the understanding that events unfold for the greater good, despite how hard it is to face sometimes... and I am grateful for all of it. All of the external circumstances, as they layered on top of one another, eventually just made it impossible to ignore the fact this cycle had completed. Economies change, construction has to happen, it just is what it is... and it is time to lay this brand to rest. Nothing more and nothing less. ♥


